24 Oct - 4 Nov 2018


Gulmit, Hunza Valley



Tabeer e Nau 01 has been a success beyond expectation and Tabeer e Nau 02 will build on it.

If you want to be a part of this culturally and professionally exciting experience, please send us below listed information to tabeer.e.nau@gmail.com:

1)  CV

2)  Portfolio / reference works

3)  Letter of interest 


There is a running enrollment. 

The Tabeer e Nau team will review your application and revert back to you if your submission was successful.

Tabeer e Nau embraces a multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural environment. Our selection process is not only based on the merits of applicants but also on their professional and academic background as well as their potential to collaborate with other disciplines.