Tabeer e Nau looks for partners and supporters that lead to mutually beneficial situations.
The following, collaborative partnerships are available:
Industry Partners
if you are interested to co-develop designs to prototypes and serial production
Project Partners
If you wish to develop a Tabeer e Nau event around one of their own products or projects in order to develop a creative, locally rooted solution
If you like to support the cause of Tabeer e Nau and make future editions possible
Media Partners
If you see an opportunity to spread the word and become part of an energetic design / education community
Scholarship Patrons
If you believe that giving individuals in your name the chance to participate in Tabeer e Nau will not only enrich one person's study but will build cultural bridges
Partner University / Educational Body
If you are or affiliated to an educational body and wish your students to offer the opportunity to join Tabeer e Nau, please do not hesitate to contact us. We wish to maximize the diversity of the program and offer people with diverse backgrounds to have a unique glimpse into Pakistan, Upper Hunza and Gulmit.
Depending on your reqirements, dates can be set, program can be individualized and list of participants can be amended.
Should you be interested in becoming part of Tabeer e Nau in any other way, please do not hesitate to contact us and we shall look into it.